The Leo Alves Podcast

#118 Decoding Fitness Lingo: Essential Exercise, Training, and Nutrition Terms Explained

Episode Summary

In this episode, discover an essential guide to fitness terminology, covering everything from 'HIIT' and 'Circuit Training' to 'Calorie' and 'Carb Cycling', perfect for beginners or anyone looking to demystify fitness jargon and empower their health journey with clear, actionable knowledge.

Episode Notes

Navigating the world of fitness can often feel like deciphering a foreign language.

From understanding the dynamics of 'HIIT' and 'Circuit Training' to grasping the nutrition concepts of 'Calorie' and 'Carb Cycling', this episode is your ultimate guide.

Join me as I break down the essential exercise, training, and nutrition terms every fitness enthusiast, especially beginners, should know.

Whether you're taking your first step into the gym, refining your diet, or looking to demystify the jargon that floods the fitness world, I've got you covered. Dive deep into the meaning of 'Supersets', 'Plateaus', 'Functional Fitness', and much more.

Empower your fitness journey with knowledge, boost your confidence, and achieve your goals with clarity. Ready to master the fitness lingo and take control of your health journey? Tune in now!

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(00:51) Understanding Compound Movements: The Backbone of Strength Training

(01:46) Isolation Exercises Explained: Targeting Specific Muscles for Definition

(03:02) Functional Fitness: Training Muscles for Daily Life

(04:00) HIIT Demystified: Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training

(04:59) LISS Breakdown: The Power of Low-Intensity Steady State Cardio

(05:31) Circuit Training Basics: Engaging Varied Movements for a Balanced Workout

(06:26) Mastering Supersets: Efficient Pairing for Intensity and Variety

(07:41) The Giant Set Technique: Intense Grouping for Muscle Challenge

(08:06) Training to Failure: Pushing Your Boundaries for Muscle Growth

(09:39) Drop Sets Uncovered: Pushing Past Initial Limits for Deep Muscle Engagement

(10:58) One Rep Maxes (1RMs) Defined: Measuring Ultimate Strength for Goal Setting

(12:41) Decoding DOMS: Why Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Occurs After Workouts

(13:09) Active Recovery Benefits: Promoting Efficient Muscle Repair and Reduced Soreness

(13:43) Progressive Overload Principle: Leveling Up in Strength and Muscle Building

(14:41) Spotting in Workouts: Ensuring Safe and Effective Heavy Lifting

(16:29) Rep Range Essentials: Aligning Repetitions with Fitness Goals

(17:09) Overcoming Fitness Plateaus: Strategies to Restart Progress

(18:16) Calorie Cycling in Nutrition: Adapting Intake to Training Demands

(20:42) Carb Cycling Explained: Fueling Workouts with Dynamic Carbohydrate Management

(21:28) Conclusion: Empowering Your Fitness Journey with Knowledge